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Typo in the TFEU

Published onAug 25, 2012
Typo in the TFEU

I wanted to share something with our readers, I thought it would be fun to write about a random discovery I made in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. There is a typo in the English version of the Treaty. Remarkable, but true. I thought they would check the thing a number of times before sending it to the presses, but nonetheless article 28 (2) TFEU as available on the eur-lex website is translated incorrectly.

Article 28 (2) TFEU on the eur-lex website reads:

‘The provisions of Article 30 and of Chapter 2 of this Title shall apply to products originating  in Member States and to products coming from third countries which are in free circulation in  Member States.’

This is incorrect. It should be as follows:

‘The provisions of Article 30 and of Chapter 3 of this Title shall apply to products originating in Member States and to products coming from third countries which are in free circulation in  Member States.’

The French, German and Dutch versions all state the correct text:

‘Les dispositions de l’article 30 et du chapitre 3 du présent titre s’appliquent aux produits qui  sont originaires des États membres, ainsi qu’aux produits en provenance de pays tiers qui se trouvent  en libre pratique dans les États membres.’

‘Artikel 30 und Kapitel 3 dieses Titels gelten für die aus den Mitgliedstaaten stammenden  Waren sowie für diejenigen Waren aus dritten Ländern, die sich in den Mitgliedstaaten im freien  Verkehr befinden.’

‘De bepalingen van artikel 30 en van hoofdstuk 3 van deze titel zijn van toepassing op de  producten welke van oorsprong zijn uit de lidstaten alsook op de producten uit derde landen welke  zich in de lidstaten in het vrije verkeer bevinden.’

Dutifully, I immediately reported this mistake to the publications office a while ago, but so far no corrections. It must take some time to do a corrigendum or sorts. I’m not too sure how correcting a typo like this works. Anyway, things should start up again soon in September, so expect some more posts soon.

UPDATE: the mistake has been corrected .

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